Are you looking to hire a digital forensic examiner to address your crime laboratory’s backlog? If so, you need to know what to look for to make a good choice. Here are some important tips to consider when hiring a computer forensic expert:
Prioritize Knowledge and Experience
A good digital forensic examiner from Elijah is quite knowledgeable and comfortable working with technology. They have excellent written communication skills to prepare a clear, understandable report that a non-technical officer, judge, or attorney can understand. And because they may have to appear in court to defend the evidence presented, they should have great presentation skills.
Remember that there is a huge difference between certifications, abilities, and qualifications. Some digital forensic examiners have nearly all certifications available; however, they don’t have the ability to tie the objectives, investigation, testimony, and report together to complete a successful one. Others have fewer certifications with limited qualifications but can easily lay the foundation of the evidence through a meticulous report.
Look for a Meticulous Examiner
A good digital forensic examiner is meticulous about what they see, do, and conclude. As the examine process starts, they will note all their actions, communications, and thoughts within the case to make duplications when needed. Also, they will identify the findings as accurately as possible.
Find a Resourceful Examiner
Not all cases can be completed with a cookie-cutter approach. Great forensic examiners understand the case’s needs and can use the specific hardware and software tools that the case demands. Also, they know when to ask for help from industry peers. Aside from having knowledge of how to operate digital forensic software, a good examiner understands both its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, they may have to use many different software tools for one case so make sure they are well-versed in all of such tools available.
Choose a Great Presenter
Computer forensics can be highly technical and an excellent forensic examiner can translate the complex process into a simple report that even a 6th grader can understand. They tend to present well, are sharp, and look confident and well-mannered. They have the discipline to avoid overstating their findings.
Choosing a digital forensic examiner could be the most important decision you must make in any given case. As you prepare for litigations, the examiner can help in pinpointing you in the direction you must go as far as strategy. In terms of corporate investigations, the examiner’s level of thoroughness can help forestall any potential litigation down the road.