If you cannot afford to engage a divorce lawyer in Massachusetts, you should contact a local legal assistance office or a bar organization. You may be eligible for legal representation for a free or reduced cost. If you don’t meet the requirements, you may still be entitled to consult with an attorney during your divorce proceedings.
There are times when hiring a divorce lawyer makes sense, and you should most likely do so. If you find yourself in the following situations, you should probably retain an attorney:
- Abuse is a severe issue.
- You believe your spouse is lying or being vengeful about some issues.
- Your spouse has hired a lawyer.
- There are children involved in your divorce and severe financial difficulties.
Fearing Violence
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, get to safety and speak with a lawyer. Anyone going through a divorce and dealing with domestic violence should consult with a divorce lawyer.
Suppose you are concerned about domestic violence or believe your husband may injure you or your children or take your belongings. In that case, you should immediately obtain a temporary restraining order and relocate yourself and your children to a secure location. Your spouse may accuse you of kidnapping if you take your children away for their safety without first obtaining a temporary restraining order.
You can also take money out of any joint accounts with your spouse if you need money to get to safety. However, please don’t take out more than you need, and aim to keep it under half of your account’s balance. Also, file a legal action for spousal support right away.
Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative practice is an agreement between spouses and attorneys not to prosecute and instead concentrate on settling. In general, collaborative practice attorneys will only agree to represent a client if the opposing party has hired or hired a collaborative practice attorney.
In addition, when both spouses hire attorneys, they must usually sign an agreement that specifies that if a settlement cannot be reached and the divorce goes to court, the couples must find new attorneys. An agreement like this eliminates any financial incentives for attorneys to drag out negotiations or push for litigation, and it often speeds up the settlement process.
Limited-scope representation is when you employ a lawyer to help you with specific areas of your divorce. Lawyers who provide “unbundled” services frequently charge a flat fee, usually less expensive than engaging a lawyer for full-service representation.