Veritas Global Protection offers ultimate protection to your vehicle. No matter how well you maintain or tune your car, you can’t avoid an unfortunate incident that ends up with a hefty bill. Instead of paying that bill from your pocket, you can completely rely entirely on an auto protection plan. This option is convenient and lets you get a repair service from a well-reputed mechanic.
What Comes Along with An Auto Protection Plan?
After signing up for a plan, you get Peace of mind that you have a backup plan that serves your card’s needs as and when required. What would you do when your car is in the repair shop? Simple, Veritas Global Protection Services INC let you go behind the wheels of a rental car. Even when your vehicle is in repair, your work and life routine won’t get disturbed at all. Isn’t that something you need? Such as The Peace of mind; The ultimate life comfort’ A regular work and life routine; Of course you want all that. Therefore, it’s time to dig into a wide variety of plans so that you can find one according to your requirements.
What Types of Plans are There?
Veritas Global Protection Plans are as versatile as the needs of its clients are. Not every client wants the same. Therefore this auto protection plan provider uncovers tons of options. The whole plan collection ranges from Veritas Simplicity plans to Veritas Exotic Plans. Every plan caters to the needs of its customers and gives high priority to asset protection and customer comfort level.
Short- and Long-Term Coverage Essential Plans
Sometimes, you don’t want to tie up in a long term plan and require something quick and refined. Veritas Global Protection understands your needs quite well. Therefore they offer essential programs. You can get coverage for 90 days to 3 months with a short-term strategy while you sign up for a long term plan of one to five years.
Shield Your New and Used Vehicle With Simplicity Plans
Veritas Global Protection of Florida brings Simplicity plans for those who want to cover their new and used vehicle. For some select new vehicles, they let you enjoy unlimited mileage. Every program comes with one to ten-year terms, whereas it has a limit of $125,000 liability or actual cash value (whichever is greater).
Expensive Cars Need Exotic Plans
Are you looking for the best coverage and protection plan for an expensive car? Veritas Global Protection Exotic Plans are designed especially for high-end vehicles. They offer protection to a wide variety of luxury cars, including all makes and models of Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bentleys, Rolls-Royce, Bugattis, and many more.
This is not it. Veritas Global Protections have Guard Plans, RV Protection Plans, Electric Plans, and much more. Do you need a specific plan to cater to your essential car or vehicle needs? You can visit websites to look into all available options or contact its friendly 24/7 customer services by dialing (888) 572-4310. You can also ask quotations for custom plans that you need for your vehicle.
TampaHonda – Other Auto Protection Plans to Look into
This company brings protection plans ranging from basic Silver Coverage to advanced level Platinum coverage. You can get an idea with up to 120,000 miles of coverage. This plan will be over whenever your plan term is expired, or its mileage limit has crossed. With this plan, you can avail repair facilities from more than 6000 authorized service centers in the USA and Canada.